Augmented Reality | Nasa S.U.I.T.S Harvard
Extracurricular Project (2019)
As a team of Harvard design and engineering students, we responded to NASA S.U.I.T.S’ 2019 design challenge to develop an augmented reality user interface (UI) for astronauts completing extravehicular activities. As NASA embarks on missions to the Moon and Mars, astronauts will have to operate more Earth-independent. Taking a human-centered design approach, we made a UI prototype that extends astronaut cognition and perception. Features include a navigation system and "Guardian Angel Mode" that serve as a portable Mission Control Center when latency prevents immediate communication with Houston.
Nick Oueijan and Erin McLean testing our prototype with a NASA engineer
As a team member, co-developed an Augmented Reality space suit information display using Unity/C# for the Microsoft HoloLens, then traveled to NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX to test our prototype and receive feedback from NASA engineers.
Nick Oueijan and my Unity “control room”.