
Tangible Media | Tangible Smile


Tangible Media | Tangible Smile

Project 1 for course Tangible Interfaces taught by Hiroshi Ishii at the MIT Media Lab (2019)

Tangible Smile is a soft wearable object that responds to positive facial expressions. When a person facing the wearer smiles, the object inflates, providing tangible feedback to the wearer which simulates a hug. Tangible Smile can be used by blind and low-vision persons who wish to capture the smiles in their physical space, letting them feel the happiness that surrounds them. The project was made using machine vision/AI or “smile recognition”, a Pneuduino board, and pneumatic silicone wearable.

Collaborators: Lins Derry, Chenlu Wang, Peitong Chen, Piyush Verma, and Annie Wang.

Chenlu testing interface

Chenlu testing interface

Step 1

A facial detection program senses a smile which triggers a byte to be sent over serial to the Pneuduino board.


Chenlu and Piyush testing Pneuduino

Chenlu and Piyush testing Pneuduino

Step 2

The Pneuduino board then inflates the silicone wearable that simulates a hug-like sensation.


Piyush wearing inflatable wearable

Piyush wearing inflatable wearable

Step 3

To prototype the wearable, we used clay molding, vacuum forming, and silicone casting techniques.
